"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -T.S. Eliot

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Chapter 3 - Jurassic Park

Well me and Sparky shoved off bright and early. The river was runnin quick now, and we were movin right along. Before we knew it we were under our first bridge and off into the wild. There was no more civilization from here until Tri-Cities, a 50 mile stretch at least. 

On one side of the river was unspoiled natural beauty. The other side was the Hanford Nuclear Site. Step one foot on that side of the river and they'll shoot it right off. There sure were a lot of birds. We saw birds I never dreamed of seein before. They had big long beaks and if I hadn't known better I'd have called 'em pteradactyls. Sparky got some great photos of them, and I got some great photos of him. 

We went around the big bed near Hanford and found the most spectacular scenery. There was a sandstone cliff as high as an elephants eye! It was one of the most scenic vistas I ever laid eyes on. 

We pulled up on an island that couldn't have been more than five acres, and found a whole family of deer livin on it. We just couldn't figure out how any deer could GET there, and reckoned they must be mighty fine swimmers. 

There was a bunch of these islands with deer on them. We once startled a young buck with his girlfriend. And we were ever so sorry in breakin them up. They may have made some fine babies. 

We found a little flat spot on one of those islands and set up camp. It was mighty windy out so we tipped the canoe on her side to block it. 

This was one of the most beautiful places I ever camped in my life. 

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