"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -T.S. Eliot

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Alumni Weekend

After the first few days in Detroit, we went up north to my mom's childhood horse camp where her "alumni weekend" was being held. Not high school alumni, horse camp. And if I forgot to mention, this is an all girl horse camp. So imagine alumni weekend as 91 drunk middle aged women acting like they're in middle school and you'll get a rough picture. Needless to say my dad was not thrilled about the idea of meeting all my mom's horse camp friends, though he came around in the end. 

Since me and my dad are obviously not horse camp alumni, we got to stay at the cottage owned by the family who owns the horse camp. This place was cush to say the least. It's on the shores of Lake Huron with a private beach, hammock, BBQ, the works. 

We went up a night early to visit with the horse camp owners who have become family friends. During diner I got roped in (horse joke) to playing banjo for the ladies Friday night. What an experience that was. Never in my life have I been surrounded my so much estrogen. There are pictures from the event, but none of them are appropriate for this blog. 

My poor father has been enduring meeting all my mom's friends for weeks. I told him it wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't wait 24 years before coming to Michigan after they got married. Since it was Father's Day weekend he got a break. We spent all day Saturday at the cottage drinking beer and watching World Cup games. It was a nice break from all the traveling, and I got to spend some quality time with my favorite old man. We don't get to see each other often enough these days. 

One day of rest was all we got though. Sunday alumni weekend was continued at another alumni's house on Cedar Island Lake. It was a good time spent on the pontoon boat and more campfire music. We took out the speed boat Monday morning and tried some wake surfing. I promise you it is not as easy as it looks. Getting up is fine, but finding the pocket where you don't need the rope is tough. 

We said our goodbyes and headed back to The D for another Slow Roll Monday night, 30 miles around the great city of Detroit. 

Now that I'm staying at my uncle's, I'm borrowing his bike which used to belong to my grandfather. He was an avid cyclist, and it's great to be riding his bike (a mint condition vintage Peugeot 10 speed) down the same roads he biked on. And now I'm drinking coffee at his favorite spot, with this bike locked up right infront of me. 

And, dear readers, at last the world was quiet. 

(-Wizard People, Dear Reader quote. Seriously though look it up. HP for life.)


  1. You make my heart smile Mikey, XxOo

  2. Have fun, Michael. This is going to be a great adventure--and I love your writing! As a former English teacher, I can appreciate that!

  3. What a great family adventure! Enjoy your family time! Michael, my children and I are following your travels, we love your humor.
