"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -T.S. Eliot

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Last Weekend in Detroit

After the long drive back from Chicago, the last thing I wanted to do was bike the 10 miles to downtown. But being my last full weekend here, I decided it was worth the trek. 

I heard about a tour kickoff for this Detroit hardcore band called Collapse. (Check them out.) The flyer was a little confusing. It said the show was at Recy-clean, a recycling center. I looked the place up online and there was no talk of a venue. I decided I'd roll down and just check it out. It was pretty quiet when I rolled up since they were changing bands. The first group was pretty cool. They also had a gigantic, fire-breathing dragon outside, I missed the pyrotechnic show though. It was at the marching band festival thing that I didn't get back in time for. (I was really looking forward to it.) 

The second band, Space Band, was super trippy. They jammed out to some weird, noise, instrumental stuff. I sat on the floor with two other kids, right in front, and soaked up the weirdness. It was great. 

There were rumors of an after party to the after party at an art gallery. After Collapse played I waited outside to try and ride the night through and keep from missing out on a good story. Be careful what you wish for kids. 

I made it to the after party with two of the guys that I met at the show. It was about 2:30am so we thought it was winding down for sure. We went inside and some random guy helped us to the kegs of beer and cocktails. I've never had a kegged cocktail before. There were the remnants of a glitter/punk marching band walking around, and a guy in a speedo. Keep in mind this is an art gallery, at 2:30am, with about 12 people.

So I'm chatting with the speedo dude, since he seems weird, and he offers me some plum brandy. I humor him by obliging, and his friend comes to talk too. Next thing I know, I'm backed up against the wall and his friend (male) puts his hand on my hip, while he's like, "Have some more brandy." Luckily when I pulled away they realized I wasn't into it. 

I looked around and my friends were gone, like every bad story, but they were just outside with more friends from the show! So it turned into a good night and I got hit on for the first time ever probably. Talk about a confidence boost. 

Sunday I figured I'd take it easy and do nothing, of course someone calls me and asks if I want to go sailing. It was Blake, one of the guys I did the delivery to Chicago with. It's always better to have fun than to not, so I went. We had some beers with two of his buddies and went to the coolest Coney Island in all Detroit. It was one long bar with indents rubbed where people's arms have rested over the decades. You can get a plate of hashbrowns and two eggs, with toast, for $2.50. 

Turns out he and his friends are semi/professional photographers and go watch all the fires in Detroit. We listened to the scanner and went to one. We were too late and all that was left was smoke and flashing lights. 

The next day Blake took me out on his dinghy and we checked out the canals near the yacht club. Turns out you can get a house on the canal, with a boat lift and huge yard, for 80 grand. It was a beautiful area too. 

Monday night was my last Slow Roll (so sad). Slow Roll was my first awesome Detroit experience and it's sad to say I won't be doing one for a while. I went to the good ol' Tap Room to have a beer and meet up with the crew. These people are the best people. I'm seriously going to miss nights like these. 

I swear I will be back next year no matter what it takes. I'll be back Detroit. 

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