"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -T.S. Eliot

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day #7: Boyz in da hood

Day 7 started hungover like most. I couldn't get a Rideshare out of Boulder so I went back to thumbing it. I hung out at the Safeway at the end of town and tried asking people with out of state license plates, but no luck. After a few hours of turning down short rides, I got picked up by a nice couple who told me they'd take me to a bigger freeway. 

So they dropped me off near this intersection with like no room for cars to pull over, but none the less this dude pulled over and said he would take me to the freeway I'd need to be on to get east. He was a little g-thuggin' but he was a chef about to be on the Food Network so I figured he was chill. He drops me off at this intersection in NOWHERE in the outskirts of Denver. I'm walking on dirt trails because there's no sidewalks. I'm seeing trash all over and I start feeling like I'm on the wrong side of town. I turn the corner to try and find a gas station and there's another dude walking in front of me, but he's got the gangsta lean goin' on. Up ahead there's a group of guys who seem to be loitering so I wait for the other guy to pass and he lived so I went for it. I also lived. 

I walked past this bar with some people outside and one of them mentions my banjo. I play him a lick and he gave me four bucks. So I asked him what the reputation of this neighborhood is. He confirms my suspicions by saying, "I hate to say this about my neighborhood, but yeah man it's gang affiliated." 

Ahhh f***. So I walk the two blocks to Walmart, and I've never seen so many black people in my life. There's homeless people everywhere too. So I hit the internet in Subway to try and get someone to save me, but no luck. So I decide to take the bus to the truck stop at the edge of town and get out. Walking to the bus and this lady like screams at me to play a song. She was most DEFINITELY on crack. I told her, "Sorry, I got a bus to catch."

I was too eager to get on the bus and got on the wrong one. So I had to get off and get another one. At this point it's starting to get dark and a storm is brewing. It's basically everything you don't want to happen. I catch my last bus and a lady is telling her friend how someone got robbed while she was on the bus a few days ago. I finally made it to the truck stop and never before have I been so glad to be in the nurturing arms of a Denny's. 

I met another homeless guy who had a tent outside, and asked him if it was safe to camp here. He said it was, but it was going to rain. I hung out outside the Denny's for a bit. Another guy walked up who was trucking with his dad. He told me about free computers and wifi at the nearest Quality Inn. So we went over there and hung out for a bit. The wifi was password protected, but it took about one second to crack it. Bumlife tip: hotel wifi passwords are always "guest". 

On the way out of the hotel I decided to check the stairwell to see if there was a good spot to sleep for a bit. I look down there and it's like a little secret room under the first set of stairs!

So I got some sleep in a warm, dry, and SAFE place. I even got free wifi and there's a free continental breakfast in the morning!

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